Haiiiiiiiiiiiiii :3

Hi, my name is Leia, I like coding stuff

I have a lot of experience with Linux, JS/TS, Web Development in general and Web Game Development

And a bit of experience with C++ and QT (but I'm bad with it)

This website uses no cookies and JavaScript :3

Source Code
~ : bash ── Konsole
[leia@world ~]$ fetch
 ,d88b.d88b,   leia@world
 88888888888   ----------
 `Y8888888Y'   Uptime:   17 years
   `Y888Y'     Location: Brazil
     `Y'       Pronouns: She/Her

Awesome open source projects I have contributed to:

Resurviv Logo

A reverse engineered client and server for the now defunct game surviv.io.

Suroi Logo

I was one of the main core developers of Suroi.io, An open source 2d battle royale game inspired by the now defunct game surviv.io.

Prism Launcher Logo

Awesome open source Minecraft Launcher that I contributed to, mainly with UI stuff.

KDE Logo

I did some small contributions for KDE apps like Kate and Spectacle.

Contact Info / Socials:

Github: leia-uwu Email: leia@tutamail.com Fediverse: leia@tech.lgbt Discord: @leia_uwu
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